There are million different kinds of filled pastries in French cuisine. However, the one nearest to a traditional samosa is the chausson -- a filled pastry turnover which can either be savory or sweet.
For more information look at:
The Very Basics of French Pastry
French Cuisine
The British pasty is defined as an individual savoury pastry pie made without a dish on a baking sheet. Cornish pasties originated as portable lunches for tin miners, fishermen and farmers to take to work. These complete-meal pasties were popular in other parts of the country too.
In Bedfordshire, for instance, they put fruit in one end of the pasty, for dessert; these were called 'Bedfordshire Clangers'.
A Lancashire Foot was a traditional type of pasty often taken down the pit by miners. They were made in pairs, roughly semi-circular in shape so that they fitted into an oval carrying tin.
Priddy Oggies: A West Country 'pasty' first made at the Miner's Arms in Priddy, Somerset containing bacon, pork and cheese. Oggie is a West Country word for 'pastry'.
A Bridie is a scottish version of a pastie product. Among the more famous is the "Forfar Bridie" from the town of Forfar, Scotland. It contains topside steak chopped onion, seasonings and a bit of suet.
For more information look at:
Cornish Pasty
The Great British Kitchen